From 2020 to 2024


    Between mentors and mentees


    Involved as sponsors

  • About the Program

    The PWIT Women's Mentorship Program is a comprehensive, four-month program designed to support and empower female tech students and recent graduates in their professional and personal development.

    The program is aimed at connecting participants with experienced and accomplished tech professionals who can offer valuable career advice, networking opportunities, and guidance on how to communicate and assert themselves in the tech industry effectively.

    The program's focus on mentorship is key, as participants will be matched with mentors with similar interests, goals, and backgrounds. This will allow for a close and personalized relationship to develop over the course of the program.

    Throughout the program, mentees will have the opportunity to gain the skills needed to succeed in the job market. The program is designed to empower and inspire female tech students and recent graduates and to provide them with the tools they need to succeed in the competitive tech industry.


    • Female (tech, design, and data science) students and recent graduates;
    • With a strong desire for professional and personal development;
    • Committed to the program for its entire duration (average of 2 hours per week).

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    Companies we have worked with

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  • The PWIT Women's Mentorship Program in the Media

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